National PTA Reflections Arts Program
Updated: May 2021
Explore the Arts and Express Yourself
Theme 2021-2022: “I Will Change the World By . . .”
The National PTA’s Reflections art program has helped students explore their thoughts, feelings and ideas; develop artistic literacy; increase confidence; and find a love for learning that will help them become more successful in school and in life. It was established in 1969 by National PTA board member Mary Lou Anderson. Each year, over 300,000 students in Pre-K through Grade 12 create original works of art in response to a theme.
Students may submit an entry in any and/or all of the six arts areas listed below. Only original works of art created by the individual student are accepted. Depending on local PTA guidelines, students may enter more than one work of art. The six arts areas are as follows:
Dance Choreography
Film Production
Music Composition
Photography Arts
Visual Arts
Participation in the Reflections Program is organized by school grade. Student works are critiqued against others in the same grade division. This allows recognition and judging of artworks by appropriate developmental age and skill levels. The five grade divisions are as follows:
Primary: Preschool, Kindergarten – Grade 2
Intermediate: Grade 3-5
Middle School: Grade 6-8
High School: Grade 9-12
Special Artist: All grades
Student Participation
Participation in Reflections is open to all students who attend a PTA/PTSA school where the program is sponsored.
Reflections Artwork Entry– Entry Form, Guidelines & Rules available in English & Spanish – Your Student Entry Form and artwork are due to your school PTA/PTSA by their deadline mid-October-mid-November
Reflections Theme Search for a future year – Entry due online by Nov 1
From Art to Exhibit
The Reflections program is structured for PTAs to recognize students at the local unit, district, state, and national levels. Entries are first judged at the local unit level, where selected works are chosen to represent the PTA at each subsequent level. Once entries reach the level of the California State PTA, entries may be selected for submission to the National PTA. At the California State PTA annual convention, Outstanding Interpretation of Theme winners are recognized and the Award of Excellence and Awards of Merit are displayed. At the National PTA convention, Outstanding Interpretation of Theme winners are recognized and the Award of Excellence and Award of Merit are displayed as part of the program’s traveling exhibit.
Local Reflections Chairs and Council Reflections Chairs
Local units that are in-council will submit their entries that received local Awards of Excellence to their Council Reflections Chair; local units out-of-council will submit entries directly to 17th District PTA, as there is no judging at the Council level. The selected entries with their Student Entry forms, Unit Participation Form, and Council Participation Form are due to 17th District PTA the first week of December.
Enroll Your PTA, Forms and Resources
Register your PTA in the National PTA Reflections Program no later than Feb 1
Promotional Materials – Scroll down for Reflections Logos, Images, Fliers, & Posters
Local Unit & Council Participation Forms due with selected entries to 17th District PTA
Post Reflections Program – Certificates, Celebration Guide, Evaluation & Volunteer Thank you
Reflections Awards – Shop the CAPTA Store
California PTA specifics: